The Temples of Angkor: Suggested Itineraries

There are many sanctuary ruins in the Siem Reap zone. Your sanctuary agenda depends to a great extent on the amount of time you have and your level of interest, however a few sanctuaries are 'must sees.'

Any agenda ought to incorporate the unbelievable vestiges of Angkor Wat and the titan appearances of Bayon. These two sanctuary ruins offer the most awesome and extraordinary illustrations of Angkorian craftsmanship and structural planning. Out and about trek to Bayon, you will likewise see the South Gate of Angkor Thom and some other minor remnants. As it is inside of strolling separation of Bayon, most schedules can without much of a stretch incorporate focal Angkor Thom, with its masterfully intriguing porches and huge 'sanctuary mountains,' Baphuon and Phimeanakas. Because of lighting conditions, it is best to visit Angkor Wat toward the evening, so most agendas start in the morning with the South Gate of Angkor Thom and Bayon.

As your calendar permits, assemble whatever is left of your schedule around going to every kind of real destroy – sanctuary mountains, for example, Pre Rup, Ta Keo, Bakong and West Mebon; level, sprawling religious buildings, for example, Ta Prohm, Preah Khan and Banteay Kdei; and exceptional landmarks, for example, Neak Pean and Srah Srang.

The Roluos Group, which involves the landmarks of an early Khmer capital, lies 12 km west of Siem Reap, outside the primary sanctuary complex. It is somewhat off the beaten path, yet offers some fine samples of ahead of schedule Angkorian workmanship and ought to be incorporated into a few day agendas.

Of extraordinary note is the aesthetically dazzling yet more inaccessible sanctuary, Banteay Srey. On the off chance that there is any method for pressing it into your schedule, it is well justified, despite all the troubl.

Suggested Itineraries , Angkor Itineraries Tour

Half-Day Visit

1) South Gate of Angkor Thom
2) Central Angkor Thom (Bayon, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King)
3) Ta Prohm
4) Angkor Wat
One or Two Day Visit

Day 1
1) South Gate of Angkor Thom
2) Central Angkor Thom (Bayon, Phimeanakas, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King).

(Single day visitors: Old Market area/souvenir shops in Siem Reap at lunch.)

4) Ta Prohm
5) Pre Rup (optional)
6) Angkor Wat
7) Phnom Bakheng for sunset (Phnom Bakheng, long the favored sunset location for its view of the lake and Angkor Wat, in recent years has become wildly over-touristed. In an effort to protect the temple, visitor numbers at sunset are now sometimes restricted and both authorities and Heritage Organizations recommend alternative sunset spots to try to take some pressure of Phnom Bakheng. See the http://angkorsunsets.com/ for suggested alternatives.)

Traditional dance show in the evening

Day 2 Options

Option A: Banteay Srey
1) Angkor Wat for sunrise
2) Pre Rup
3) Banteay Srey
4) Banteay Samre (optional)
5) Thommanon

Old Market area/souvenir shops in Siem Reap at lunch.

6) Roluos Group (Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei)

Option B: Variety of temples
1) Angkor Wat for sunrise
2) Preah Kahn
3) Victory Gate
4) Thommanon
5) Pre Rup (optional)
6) Prasat Kravan

Old Market area/souvenir shops in Siem Reap at lunch.

7) Roluos Group (Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei)

Option C: Grand circuit
1) Angkor Wat for sunrise
2) Preah Kahn
3) Neak Pean
4) Ta Som
5) Pre Rup (optional)
6) Prasat Kravan (optional)

Old Market area/souvenir shops in Siem Reap at lunch.

Roluos Group (Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei)
Three Day Visit

Day 1
1) South Gate of Angkor Thom
2) Central Angkor Thom (Bayon, Baphuon, Phimeanakas, Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King).

Lunch at restaurant near Angkor Wat

3) Victory Gate
4) Thommanon
5) Ta Keo (short visit)
6) Ta Prohm
7) Sunset at Angkor Wat

Traditional dance show in evening

Day 2
1) Sunrise at Angkor Wat
2) Baksei Chamkrong, Prasat Bei, Thma Bay Kaek
3) Preah Kahn
4) Neak Pean
5) Ta Som
6) Pre Rup

Visit to Old Market area in Siem Reap at lunch.

7) Roluos Group (Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei)
8) Sunset at Phnom Bakheng

Day 3
1) Banteay Srey
2) Banteay Samre
3) East Mebon

Visit to craft/silk workshop after lunch

4) Prasat Kravan
5) Banteay Kdei
6) Srah Srang (optional)
7) Sunset at Angkor Wat
Of Special Interest

Sunrise: Angkor Wat, (alternative: Srah Srang)

Sunset: Phnom Bakheng, Angkor Wat

Trees growing from temple ruins: Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdei, Ta Som

Giant carvings of faces: Bayon, the gates of Angkor Thom, Banteay Kdei, Ta Prohm and Preah Kahn

Notable artistry/carvings: Angkor Wat, Banteay Srey, Bayon, Bakong, Terrace of the Leper King

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